Gambling - Peer to peer online poker review

13 Oct

The Gambling Commission are reviewing the regulations in relation to online peer to peer (to be distinguished from playing the operator).

This appears to be a multi stage process with the first stage being a process to obtain information from licensees about collusion and cheating and the use of technology such as automated poker robots in the process.

A spokesman for the Commission said: "We've been asking licensees who offer peer-to-peer poker for information and their views on current issues identified in relation to this product.

"We want this information in order to assess whether the current controls in Licence Conditions and Codes of Practice (LCCP) and the Remote Gambling and Software Technical Standards (RTS) are sufficient to ensure online poker is crime free, fair and open and children and vulnerable people are protected.

"We are also considering the impact of game integrity issues overall and using the opportunity to canvass views more generally"

Following this information gathering stage a formal consultation will follow on remote technical standards.


Law correct at the date of publication.
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